Blaupunkt Car Stereo System Acapulco CD51 User Manual

Radio / CD  
Acapulco CD51  
Operating instructions  
button for unlatching the  
removable release panel  
button for opening the flip-  
release panel  
Volume control  
Button for switching the device  
on/off and for muting the device  
Arrow buttons  
OK button to confirm menu en-  
tries and start scan function  
DEQ+ button (Digital Equalizer)  
to switch equalizer on/off  
AUD button (Audio) for adjusting  
bass, treble, balance and fader  
LD switches loudness function  
(hearing-weighted volume adap-  
tation) on/off  
Buttons 1 - 6  
TRAF button (Traffic) to switch  
traffic news reception on/off  
CD•C button for choosing be-  
tween CD, CD-changer (if con-  
nected) and AUX  
RDS button for switching the  
RDS (Radio Data System)  
convenience function on/off and  
for selecting display of running  
BND button (band) for the se-  
lection of the radio source  
Switches between FM memory  
levels and the MW and LW  
TS starts the Travelstore function  
button to display clock time  
DIS changes display contents  
MENU button, which calls up the  
basic settings menu  
Fast Search (Audible).................... 47  
Playing Tracks in  
Notes and Accessories .......... 35  
Road Safety .................................. 35  
Fitting............................................ 35  
Accessories .................................. 35  
Random Sequence (MIX) .............. 47  
Sampling Tracks (SCAN) .............. 47  
Repeating Tracks (REPEAT) .......... 47  
Pausing During Play ...................... 47  
Changing Display Contents ........... 47  
Traffic Announcements in  
CD Mode ...................................... 48  
Naming CDs ................................. 48  
Removing CD from Player ............. 48  
Release Panel ........................ 36  
Switching On and Off............. 37  
Volume Adjustment................ 38  
Setting Switch-On Volume............. 38  
Immediate Volume Reduction (Mute) 38  
Adjusting Muted Volume ................ 38  
Telephone Audio/Navigation Audio. 38  
Automatic Sound........................... 39  
Adjusting the Volume of the  
CD Changer Operation .......... 49  
Starting CD Changer Operation .... 49  
Selecting a CD.............................. 49  
Selecting a Track........................... 49  
Fast Search (Audible).................... 49  
Changing Display Contents ........... 49  
Repeat Playing Tracks or  
Whole CDs (REPEAT)................... 49  
Playing Tracks in  
Random Sequence (MIX) .............. 49  
Sampling All Tracks on All CDs  
Confirmation Tone ......................... 39  
Radio Operation ..................... 40  
Switching on Radio Operation ....... 40  
RDS Convenience Function  
(AF, REG) ..................................... 40  
Selecting Waveband/Memory Level 40  
Setting the Station ......................... 41  
Adjusting Station Search Sensitivity 41  
Saving Stations ............................. 41  
Saving Stations Automatically  
(Travelstore) .................................. 42  
Going to Pre-set Stations .............. 42  
Sampling Available Stations  
(SCAN) ......................................... 42  
Setting Scan Time ......................... 42  
Program Type (PTY) ...................... 42  
Optimising Radio Reception .......... 44  
Select Display of Running Texts ..... 44  
Adjusting the Display ..................... 44  
Deactivating Wavebands ............... 45  
(SCAN) ......................................... 50  
Pausing During Play ...................... 50  
Naming CDs ................................. 50  
CLOCK Time........................... 51  
Tone and Volume Controls..... 53  
Loudness................................ 54  
Equalizer ................................ 54  
External Audio Sources ......... 59  
TMC for Dynamic Navigation  
Systems ................................. 59  
Traffic Information.................. 45  
Technical data ........................ 60  
Guarantee .............................. 60  
Installation instructions........ 234  
CD Operation ......................... 46  
Starting CD Operation .................. 46  
Selecting a Track........................... 46  
Thank you for choosing a Blaupunkt  
product. We hope you will enjoy your  
new equipment.  
Only use accessories approved by Blau-  
Please read these instructions before  
using for the first time. Blaupunkt’s edi- Remote control  
tors are constantly working to write clear,  
The optional RC 08 and RC 10 remote  
generally understandable instructions  
for use. If you still have questions about  
how to use your equipment, please re-  
fer to your dealer or to your country’s  
telephone hotline.You will find the tele-  
phone numbers on the back of this  
control units allow you to control your  
car radio’s basic functions safely and  
conveniently from the steering wheel.  
Any Blaupunkt amplifier can be used.  
CD Changers  
Road Safety  
The following Blaupunkt CD changers  
can be connected:  
CDC A 06, CDC A 08, CDC A 072 or  
IDC A 09.  
Using an adapter cable (Blaupunkt No.  
7 607 889 093) you can also connect  
the CDC A 05 or CDC A 071 CD chang-  
Road safety has top priority.Only  
make adjustments to your car radio  
when traffic conditions allow. Famil-  
iarise yourself with the device before  
you start driving.  
You must be able to hear audible  
alarms from police vehicles, fire en-  
gines or ambulances promptly inside  
the vehicle.  
You may connect an active bass loud-  
speaker (subwoofer) to your device.  
This is done using a Blaupunkt connec-  
tion cable (Blaupunkt No.: 7 607 609  
093) available from your accessory  
For further information, please consult  
the installation guide at the back of this  
You should therefore listen at an ap-  
propriate volume when travelling.  
If you want to fit your car radio yourself,  
read the fitting and connecting instruc-  
tions at the end of this guide.  
Release Panel  
Theft Protection  
Your device has a removable flip-release  
panel to protect it from theft.Without this  
panel, the unit is of no value to a thief.  
G Press the  
The panel unlatches.  
button 1.  
G Pull the panel off the device, first  
straight forward and then to the left.  
G When the release panel has been  
separated from the device, it  
switches itself off.  
Protect your device from theft by taking  
the release panel with you whenever  
you leave the vehicle. Do not leave the  
panel in the car, even in a hidden place.  
The release panel is designed for easy  
G All current settings are saved.  
G If a CD has been inserted, it re-  
mains in the device.  
Attaching the Release Panel  
G Push the panel into the guides on  
G Do not drop the panel.  
the device from left to right.  
G Do not expose the panel to direct  
sunshine or any other source of  
G Push the left hand side of the panel  
into the device until it engages.  
G Always carry the panel in the case  
G Avoid touching the contacts on the  
panel with your skin. If necessary,  
clean the contacts using a lint-free  
cloth dipped in alcohol.  
Removing the Release Panel  
G Do not press the display as you in-  
sert the panel.  
If the device was switched on when the  
panel was removed, it will switch itself  
back on automatically with the last set-  
tings (radio, CD, CD-changer or AUX)  
as soon as the panel is replaced.  
Switching on by Inserting a CD  
Switching On and Off  
If there is no CD in the device when it is  
switched off:  
The device can be switched on and off  
in the following ways:  
G Press the  
button 9.  
Switching On and Off with the  
Vehicle Ignition  
The flip release panel opens.  
G Push the CD gently into the device,  
printed side up, until you feel it  
If the device is correctly connected to  
the vehicle ignition, and has not been  
switched off with button 3, it is switched  
on and off along with the ignition.  
The CD is then automatically drawn into  
To switch the device on when the igni- the device.  
tion is off:  
While the CD is being drawn in, do not  
push or pull it.  
G Press button 3.  
G Close the panel with a gentle push  
until it locks.  
To protect the vehicle battery, the de-  
vice is automatically switched off after  
one hour if the vehicle ignition is off.  
The device switches on. The CD starts  
Switching On / Off with the Release  
G Remove the release panel.  
The device switches off.  
G Replace the release panel.  
The device switches on. The most re-  
cent settings (radio, CD, CD-changer or  
AUX) are restored.  
Switching On / Off with Button 3  
G Press button 3 to switch on.  
G To switch off, hold button 3  
pressed for longer than 2 seconds.  
The device switches off.  
Volume Adjustment  
The volume can be adjusted in steps  
from 0 (off) up to 66 (maximum).  
Immediate Volume Reduction  
You can reduce the volume immediate-  
ly (mute) to a pre-set level.  
G To increase the volume, turn the  
volume control 2 to the right.  
G Press button 3 briefly.  
“MUTE” appears in the display.  
G To reduce the volume, turn the vol-  
ume control 2 to the left.  
Adjusting Muted Volume  
Setting Switch-On Volume  
The mute level is adjusted as follows:  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
G Press the button : until “ON  
G Press the button : until “MUTE  
VOLUME” appears in the display.  
LEVELappears in the display.  
G Adjust the switch-on volume with  
G Adjust the mute level with the  
buttons :.  
buttons :.  
If you set0”, then whatever volume was  
in use before the device was switched  
off will be reactivated.  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
Risk of serious injury! If the level  
of switch-on volume is set to maxi-  
mum, the volume when switching on  
may be very high.  
If the volume was set to maximum  
before switching off, and the value  
for the switch-on volume is set to “0”,  
the volume when switching on can  
be very high.This can damage hear-  
Telephone Audio/Navigation  
If your car radio is connected to a mo-  
bile telephone or navigation system,  
then when the telephone is taken “off  
the hook”, or when the navigation sys-  
tem is speaking, the car radio is muted.  
The telephone conversation or speech  
output are reproduced via the car radio  
speakers.This requires the mobile tele-  
phone or navigation system to be con-  
nected to the car radio as described in  
the installation instructions.  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
Your Blaupunkt dealer can tell you which  
navigation systems can be used with  
your car radio.  
If a traffic announcement is received  
during a telephone call, or while the  
navigation system is speaking, the traf-  
fic announcement is not reproduced G Press the button : until “AUTO  
until the call or the speech output has  
SOUND” appears in the display.  
G Set the volume adjustment with the  
buttons :.  
If a call is received or if the navigation  
system begins speaking during a traffic  
announcement, the announcement is  
reproduced. The telephone call or  
speech output can be heard when the  
traffic announcement has finished.  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
The right speed-adjusted volume set-  
ting depends on noise levels inside your  
car.Try various values (0-5) until you find  
the best setting.  
The volume at which navigation output  
or telephone calls start is adjusted as  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
Adjusting the Volume of the  
Confirmation Tone  
G Press the button : until “TEL/  
NAVI VOLappears in the display.  
With certain functions, if you hold a but-  
ton pressed for longer than 2 seconds  
(e.g. when saving a station frequency  
on a station button) a confirmation tone  
(or beep) is heard.To adjust the volume  
level of the beep:  
G Set the desired volume with the  
buttons :.  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
You can adjust the volume level of tele-  
phone calls and of speech output as  
they are made with the volume control  
G Press the button : until “BEEP”  
appears in the display.  
G Set the desired volume with the  
buttons :.  
Automatic Sound  
“0” means no beep, “9” means  
maximum beep volume.  
This function adjusts the volume of your  
car radio automatically to your driving  
speed. This requires your device to be  
connected as described in the installa-  
tion guide.  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
The automatic volume booster can be  
set in six stages (0-5).  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
Radio Operation  
Switching REG On / Off  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
This device is equipped with an RDS  
radio receiver. Many FM stations trans-  
mit an additional signal containing ex-  
tra information such as station name  
and program type (PTY).  
G Press the button : until  
“REG ON “ or “REG OFF “ appears  
in the display.  
G To turn REG on or off, press the  
or button :.  
As soon as it can be received, the name  
of the station is shown in the display.  
G Press the MENU button 8 or  
OK ;.  
Switching on Radio Operation  
If the current operating mode is CD, CD-  
changer or AUX  
Switching RDS Convenience  
Function On / Off  
G Press the BND/TS button 5.  
G To use the RDS convenience func-  
tions AF and REG, press the RDS  
button 4.  
RDS Convenience Function  
(AF, REG)  
The RDS convenience functions are  
active if the RDS symbol shows in the  
display. When the RDS convenience  
functions are switched on “REG ON” or  
“REG OFF” flashes up.  
The RDS convenience functions AF  
(alternative frequency) and REG  
(regional) extend your radio’s function-  
al power.  
G AF: If the RDS convenience func-  
tion has been activated, the device  
automatically switches to the best  
frequency on which the chosen  
station can be received.  
Selecting Waveband / Memory  
This radio receives stations in the VHF  
(FM) waveband as well as MW and LW  
(AM) stations. (The MW and LW wave-  
bands can be deactivated. For more  
details, consult the section on “Deacti-  
vating Wavebands” at the end of this  
chapter).Three memory levels are avail-  
able for the FM waveband, and one  
memory level each is available for the  
MW and LW bands.  
G REG: Some stations divide their  
programs at certain times into re-  
gional programs with different con-  
tent.The REG function prevents  
the car radio from switching to al-  
ternative frequencies with different  
program content.  
REG must be separately activated or  
deactivated in the menu.  
Six stations can be stored in each mem-  
ory level.  
G To switch between memory levels  
and wavebands, briefly press the  
BND/TS button 5.  
Adjusting Station Search  
You can choose whether to search only  
for stations with strong signals, or wheth-  
er weak stations should be included.  
Setting the Station  
There are a number of ways to set the  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
G Press the button : until “SENS”  
Automatic Station Search  
appears in the display.  
G Press the or button :.  
G Press the button :.  
The next station that can be received is  
tuned in.  
The current sensitivity level appears in  
the display. SENS HI6” means maxi-  
mum sensitivity, SENS LO1” means  
minimum sensitivity. When “SENS LO”  
is selected, the display shows “lo”.  
Manual Station Tuning  
To tune to a station manually  
G Press the or button :.  
G Set the desired sensitivity with the  
buttons :.  
Manual station tuning is only possible  
when the RDS convenience function is  
switched off.  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
Browsing a chain of stations  
(FM only)  
Saving Stations  
If a station provides several programs,  
it is possible to browse through this  
“chain” of stations.  
Saving a Station Manually  
G Choose between memory levels  
FM1, FM2, FMT or the MW and  
LW wavebands.  
G Press the or button : to  
change to the next link in the sta-  
tion chain.  
G Tune to the station you want.  
G Choose one of the station buttons  
1 - 6 > on which you want to store  
the station and hold it pressed for  
longer than 2 seconds.  
To use this function, the RDS conven-  
ience function must be active.  
This means you can only switch to a  
station you have already received at  
least once. Use the Scan or Travelstore  
function for this purpose.  
Stop SCAN, continue listening to a  
Saving Stations Automatically  
G Press the OK button ;.  
The scanning process is stopped, and  
the last station tuned in plays.  
You can also save the six strongest sta-  
tions in the area automatically (FM only).  
The stations are saved on the FMT  
memory level.  
Setting Scan Time  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
Any stations previously saved on this  
level will be deleted.  
G Press the : until “SCANTIME”  
appears in the display.  
G Press the BND/TS button 5 for  
longer than 2 seconds.  
G Set the desired sampling time with  
buttons :.  
Storing starts. “TRAVEL-STORE” ap-  
pears in the display. When the proce-  
dure is complete, the station in memo-  
ry location 1 of the FMT memory level  
is played.  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
Going to Pre-set Stations  
The chosen sampling time also applies  
to CD and CD-changer scans.  
G Select the memory level where the  
station is stored.  
Program Type (PTY)  
G Press the corresponding button  
1 - 6 >.  
As well as the station name itself, some  
FM stations also supply information  
about the type of program being trans-  
mitted.This information can be received  
and displayed by your radio.  
Sampling Available Stations  
You can listen to short samples of all  
the stations that can currently be re-  
ceived. The length of samples can be  
set, in the menu, to between 5 and 30  
Examples of these program types could  
Starting SCAN  
Using the PTY function it is possible to  
specifically select stations transmitting  
a particular program type.  
G Hold down the OK button ; for  
longer than 2 seconds.  
The scanning process starts. “SCAN”  
appears briefly in the display, after which  
the current frequency is displayed, flash-  
G To change to a different program  
type, press the or button :  
while the type display is active.  
When the program type has been se-  
lected and the search started, the de-  
vice changes from the current station  
to one with the selected program type.  
G Press one of the buttons 1 - 6 >  
to change the program type stored  
for that button.  
If no station with the chosen program  
type is found, a beep is heard and the  
display briefly shows “NO PTY”. The  
tuner returns to the most recently re-  
ceived station.  
The selected program type is briefly dis-  
G Press the or button : to start  
the search.  
If the station set, or another station from  
the station chain, starts to transmit the  
desired program type at a later time, the  
device changes automatically from the  
current station, or out of CD or CD  
changer mode, and switches to the sta-  
tion with the desired program type.  
The next station with the selected pro-  
gram type is tuned in.  
Storing program types on station  
G Select a program type with the  
or button :.  
Switching PTY On / Off  
G Hold down the desired station but-  
ton 1 - 6 > for longer than 2 sec-  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
G Press the button : until  
“PTY ON” or “PTY OFF” appears in  
the display.  
The program type is saved on the cho-  
sen button 1 - 6 >.  
G Use the  
buttons : to turn  
PTY on or off.  
When PTY is switched on, “PTYshows  
in the display.  
G Press the MENU button 8 or  
OK ;.  
Selecting program type and starting  
G Press the or button :.  
The current program type is shown in  
the display.  
Switching SHARX On / Off  
Optimising Radio Reception  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
Treble cut in the presence of  
interference (HICUT)  
G Press the button : until  
“SHARX” appears in the display.  
The HICUT function improves the sound  
when radio reception is poor (FM only).  
When interference is being experienced,  
the treble is automatically cut, which  
therefore also reduces the level of in-  
G Press the or button : to  
switch SHARX on or off.  
“SHARX OFF” means no automatic  
bandwidth switching will be carried out.  
“SHARX ON” means that automatic  
bandwidth switching will be carried out.  
Switching HICUT On / Off  
G Press the MENU button 8 or  
OK ;.  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
G Press the button : until  
“HICUT” appears in the display.  
Select Display of Running Texts  
G Press the or button : to ad-  
Some radio stations use the RDS sig-  
nal to transmit advertising or other in-  
formation instead of the station name.  
These “running texts” are shown in the  
display.To switch off the display of “run-  
ning texts”:  
just the HICUT.  
“HICUT 0” means the function is inac-  
tive, while “HICUT 3” indicates the  
strongest automatic reduction of the tre-  
ble and the interference.  
G Hold the RDS button 4 pressed  
until “NAME FIX” appears in the  
G Press the MENU button 8 or  
OK ;.  
Bandwidth selection in the  
presence of interference (SHARX)  
G To reactivate the display of running  
texts, hold the RDS button 4  
pressed until “NAME VAR” appears  
in the display.  
The SHARX function allows you to elim-  
inate interference from neighbouring  
stations as far as possible (FM only).  
Switch on the SHARX function when  
stations are crowded.  
Adjusting the Display  
In radio mode, it is possible to choose  
between continuous display of the time  
or continuous display of the station  
name (or frequency).  
G Hold the  
/ DIS button 7  
pressed until the display you want  
Traffic Information  
Deactivating Wavebands  
It is possible to deactivate the LW and  
MW wavebands separately or together.  
This makes sense if you don’t use these  
wavebands, i.e.if you don’t listen to MW  
or LW stations.  
This device is equipped with an RDS  
EON receiver. EON means Enhanced  
Other Network.  
Whenever a traffic announcement (TA)  
is made, the radio switches automati-  
cally from a station that does not broad-  
cast traffic information to one in the  
chain of stations that does.  
To deactivate the MW and LW wave-  
bands together or separately:  
G In FM radio mode, press the  
MENU button 8.  
After the traffic announcement, the de-  
vice returns to the station that was pre-  
viously tuned in.  
G Press the button : until  
“AM ON” appears in the display.  
Switching Traffic Information  
Priority On / Off  
If “AM OFF” shows in the display, MW  
and LW are already deactivated.  
G Press the TRAF button ?.  
If “MW OFF” or “LW OFF” appears in  
the display, MW or LW is already deac-  
Traffic announcement priority is activat-  
ed if the traffic jam symbol is lit.  
G Press the or button :  
to switch between “AM ON”,  
“AM OFF”, “MW OFF” and  
“LW OFF”.  
You will hear a warning tone:  
G If you leave the reception area of a  
traffic radio station you are listening  
G Press the MENU button 8 or  
OK ;.You settings are saved.  
G If, when you are listening to a CD,  
you leave the reception area of the  
selected traffic radio station and  
the following automatic search fails  
to find a new traffic radio station.  
G If you change from a traffic radio  
station to a station with no traffic  
Either switch off traffic information pri-  
ority, or switch to a station with traffic  
Adjusting the Volume for Traffic  
CD Operation  
This device can be used to play stand-  
ard CDs with a diameter of 12 cm.  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
G Press the button : until  
TA VOLUME” appears in the dis-  
Danger of damage to CD drive!  
This device is not suited for playing  
so-called CD singles (8 cm diame-  
ter) or shaped CDs.  
No liability will be accepted for dam-  
age caused to the CD drive by un-  
suitable CDs.  
G Use the  
the volume.  
buttons : to adjust  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
Starting CD Operation  
G If there is no CD in the drive  
G Press the button 9.  
The flip-release panel opens.  
During a traffic announcement you can  
adjust the volume for the duration of the  
announcement using the volume con-  
trol 2.  
G Push the CD printed side up  
gently into the CD slot until you  
feel it stop.  
You can set the tone and volume for traf-  
fic announcements. For more informa-  
tion, consult the section on “Tone and  
volume controls”.  
The CD is then automatically drawn into  
the device.  
While the CD is being drawn in, do not  
push or pull it.  
G Close the flip-release panel by  
pushing gently until you feel it lock.  
The CD begins playing.  
G If there is already a CD in the drive.  
G Press the CD•C button @ until  
“CD” appears in the display.  
The CD starts playing where it last  
Selecting a Track  
G Use the arrow keys : to select the  
next or previous track.  
Pressing the or button : once re-  
starts the track currently playing.  
Ending SCAN, Continue Listening to  
Fast Search (Audible)  
To search rapidly backwards or forwards  
G To halt the scan, press the OK but-  
ton ;.  
G Hold down one of the  
: until fast searching begins.  
The track currently being sampled will  
continue to play.  
Playing Tracks in Random  
Sequence (MIX)  
Repeating Tracks (REPEAT)  
G Press button 5 MIX >.  
G To repeat a track, press button  
4 RPT >.  
“MIX CD” appears briefly in the display  
and the MIX symbol shows. The next  
track is played at random.  
“REPEAT TRCK” flashes up and the  
RPT symbol shows.The track is repeat-  
ed until RPT is deactivated.  
Ending MIX  
G Press button 5 MIX > again.  
“MIX OFF” flashes up and the MIX sym-  
bol disappears.  
Stopping REPEAT  
G To stop repetition of the current  
track, press button 4 RPT >  
Sampling Tracks (SCAN)  
“REPEAT OFF” flashes up in the dis-  
play, the RPT symbol disappears, and  
normal play resumes.  
To listen to a short sample of each track  
on the CD:  
G Press the OK button ; for longer  
than 2 seconds. The next track is  
Pausing During Play  
G Press button 3 >.  
PAUSE” appears in the display.  
The lengths of these samples can be  
set. Please consult the section on “Set-  
ting Scan Time” under “Radio Opera-  
Continuing after the pause  
G Press button 3 > again.  
Play resumes.  
Changing Display Contents  
G To change the display between  
track number plus clock time, track  
number plus play time, or track  
number plus CD name, press the  
/ DIS button 7 longer than 2  
seconds until the desired display  
Traffic Announcements in CD  
G To save the name, press the  
MENU button 8 or OK ;.  
G To receive traffic announcements  
while listening to a CD, press the  
TRAF button ?.  
Deleting a CD name  
G Start playing the CD whose name  
is to be deleted.  
Traffic information priority is activated  
when the traffic jam symbols shows in  
the display.For more information, please  
read the section onTraffic Information”.  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
G Use the or button : to select  
“CD NAME”.  
G Press the or button :.  
Naming CDs  
G Press and hold the MENU button  
8. After 4 seconds a beep is  
heard and “DELETE NAME” ap-  
pears in the display.  
In order to recognise your CDs more  
effectively, the car radio allows you to  
give individual names to up to 30 CDs.  
The names may have up to eight char-  
G Release the MENU button 8.  
If you attempt to assign more than 30  
names, the display will show “FULL.  
The CD name has been deleted.  
G Return to the menu by pressing the  
OK button ;.  
Entering / Changing CD Names  
G Start playing the CD you wish to  
Removing CD from Player  
G Press the  
button 9.  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
The flip-release panels opens and the  
CD is ejected.  
G Use the or button : to select  
“CD NAME”.  
G Remove the CD and close the flip-  
G Press the or button : twice.  
release panel.  
The device is now in editing mode. If  
your chosen CD is not yet named, eight  
underscores appear in the display.  
G The current entry location flashes.  
G Use the or button : to select  
your characters. If a space is re-  
quired, select the underscore.  
G Use the or button : to  
change the input location.  
Repeat Playing Tracks or Whole  
CD Changer Operation  
G To repeat the current track, press  
button 4 RPT > briefly.  
For information on handling CDs, insert-  
ing them and operating the CD chang-  
er, please consult the operating instruc-  
tions for your CD changer.  
“REPEAT TRCK” flashes up briefly and  
the display shows “RPT”.  
G To repeat the current CD, press  
button 4 RPT > again.  
Starting CD Changer Operation  
G Press the CD•C button @ until  
“CHANGER” appears in the dis-  
“REPEAT DISC” flashes up briefly and  
the display shows “RPT”.  
Play will start with the first CD recog-  
nised by the CD changer.  
Stopping REPEAT  
G To stop repetition of the current  
track or CD, press button 4 RPT >  
until “REPEAT OFF” flashes up and  
RPT disappears from the display.  
Selecting a CD  
G To change to a different CD, press  
the or button : one or more  
Playing Tracks in Random  
Sequence (MIX)  
Selecting a Track  
G To play the tracks of the current CD  
in random sequence, press button  
5 MIX > briefly.  
G To change to a different track on  
the current CD, press the or  
button : one or more times.  
“MIX CD” flashes up, the display shows  
Fast Search (Audible)  
To search rapidly backwards or forwards  
G To play the tracks of all the CDs in  
the CD changer in random se-  
quence, press button 5 MIX >  
G Hold down one of the  
: until fast searching begins.  
Changing Display Contents  
“MIX ALLflashes up and the display  
shows “MIX”.  
G To switch the display between track  
number plus play time, track  
number plus clock time, track  
number plus CD number, or track  
number plus CD name, press the  
/ DIS button 7 for longer than 2  
seconds one or more times until  
the desired display appears.  
The CDC A 08 and IDC A 09 models  
mix all tracks on all CDs in the CD  
changer, while all other changers mix  
the tracks of a single CD before moving  
to the next CD in the changer.  
Ending MIX function  
Naming CDs  
G Press button 5 MIX > until  
“MIX OFF” flashes up and “MIX”  
In order to recognise your CDs more  
effectively, the car radio allows you to  
give individual names to up to 99 CDs.  
The names may have up to seven char-  
Sampling All Tracks on All CDs  
If you attempt to assign more than 99  
names, the display will show “FULL.  
G To listen to short samples of all  
tracks on all the CDs in the CD  
changer in ascending order, press  
the OK button ; for longer than 2  
Entering and changing CD names  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
G Use the or button : to select  
“SCAN” appears in the display.  
G Press the or button :.  
Ending SCAN  
The device is now in selection mode.  
G To halt the scan, press OK ;  
G Choose the CD that you want to  
name with the or button :.  
The track currently being sampled will  
continue to play.  
G Press the or button :.  
The device enters edit mode. If your  
chosen CD is not yet named, seven  
underscores appear in the display.  
The lengths of these samples can be  
set. Please consult the section on “Set-  
ting Scan Time” under “Radio Opera-  
G The current entry location flashes.  
G Use the or button : to select  
your characters. If a space is re-  
quired, select the underscore.  
Pausing During Play  
G Press button 3 >.  
PAUSE” appears in the display.  
G Use the or button : to  
change the input location.  
Continuing after the pause  
G Press button 3 > again.  
Play resumes.  
G To save the name, press the  
MENU button 8 or OK ;.  
Deleting a CD name  
G Start playing the CD whose name  
is to be deleted.  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
G Use the or button : to select  
CLOCK Time  
Displaying the Time Briefly  
G Press the or button :.  
G To display the time, press the  
DIS button 7 briefly.  
G Press and hold the MENU button  
8. After 4 seconds a beep is  
heard and “DELETE NAME” ap-  
pears in the display.  
Setting the Time  
The clock time can be set automatically  
via the RDS signal.If you cannot receive  
an RDS station, or if the RDS station to  
which you are listening does not sup-  
port this function, it is also possible to  
set the time manually.  
G Release the MENU button 8.  
The CD name has been deleted.  
G Return to the menu by pressing the  
OK button ;.  
Deleting all CD names  
Setting clock time automatically  
To delete all stored CD names:  
G Start listening to a CD.  
G To have the time set automatically,  
press the MENU button 8.  
G Press the button : until  
“CLOCK MAN” (manual) or  
“CLOCK AUTO” (automatic) ap-  
pears in the display.  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
G Use the or button : to select  
G Press the or button :.  
G Press the button : until  
“CLOCK AUTO” appears in the  
G Hold down the MENU button 8.  
After 4 seconds a beep is heard  
and “DELETE NAME” appears in  
the display. Continue to hold the  
MENU button 8 until a second  
beep is heard and “DELETE ALL”  
appears in the display.  
G Press the MENU button 8 or OK  
When a station with the RDS clock func-  
tion (RDS-CT) is received, the time is  
automatically set.  
G Release the MENU button 8.  
All CD names in the CD changer have  
been cleared.  
Setting clock time manually  
G To set the time manually, press the  
MENU button 8.  
G Return to the menu by pressing the  
OK button ;.  
G Press the button : until  
“CLOCKSET” appears in the  
G Press the button :.  
The time is shown in the display. The  
minutes are flashing, and can be ad-  
G Press the or button : to  
switch the display between ON and  
G Set the minutes with the or  
button :.  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
G Having set the minutes, press the  
button :.The hours flash.  
Displaying the time briefly when  
the device is switched off  
To display the time briefly when the de-  
vice is switched off  
G Set the hours with the or  
button :.  
G Press the MENU button 8 or OK  
G Press the  
/ DIS button 7.  
Choosing 12/24 Hour Clock  
The time appears in the display for ap-  
prox. 8 seconds.  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
“MENU” appears in the display.  
G Press the button : until  
“24H MODE” or “12H MODE”  
appears in the display.  
G Press the or button : to  
switch modes.  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
Displaying Time When the  
Device is Switched Off But the  
Ignition On  
G To display the clock time when the  
device is switched off and the igni-  
tion is switched on, press the  
MENU button 8.  
“MENU” appears in the display.  
G Press the button : until  
ON” appears in the display.  
Adjusting the Balance  
Tone and Volume Controls  
Separate tone and volume adjustments  
can be made for each audio source (ra-  
dio, CD, CD-changer, AUX and traffic  
G To adjust the balance, press the  
AUD/LD button =.  
“BASS” appears in the display.  
G Press the button : until  
“BALANCE” appears.  
The tone and volume settings for traf-  
fic announcements can only be adjust-  
ed while such an announcement is  
being received.  
G Press the or button : to ad-  
just the balance.  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
Adjusting the Bass  
G Press the AUD/LD button =.  
“BASS” appears in the display.  
Adjusting the Fader  
G To adjust the fader, press the AUD/  
LD button =.  
G Press the or button : to ad-  
just the bass.  
“BASS” appears in the display.  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
G Press the button : until  
“FADER” appears.  
G Press the or button : to ad-  
Adjusting the Treble  
just the fader balance.  
G Press the AUD/LD button =.  
“BASS” appears in the display.  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
G Press the button : until  
“TREBLE” appears  
G Press the or button : to ad-  
just the treble.  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
Switching Loudness  
On / off  
Loudness refers to boosting the bass  
and treble at low volume levels to match  
the ear’s sensitivity.  
This device is equipped for automatic,  
digital sound measurement, using three-  
self-gauging 5-band equalizers.  
Using the microphone included,  
the settings for equalizers USER 1 -  
USER 3 can be measured automatical-  
G Press the AUD/LD button = for  
about 2 seconds.  
If loudness is switched on, LD shows in  
the display.  
In addition, the automatically measured  
values can be adjusted and the equal-  
izer can be set manually.  
Setting Loudness Intensity  
The device also has a parametric 5-  
band digital equalizer and six sound  
The loudness boost can be set in steps  
from one to six.  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
Switching Equalizer On / Off  
“MENU” appears in the display.  
G To switch the equalizer on, hold  
down the DEQ+ button < until  
“EQ ON” flashes up and DEQ ap-  
pears in the display.  
G Press the button : until “LOUD-  
NESS” appears in the display.  
G Press the or button : to ad-  
just the boost.  
G To switch the equalizer off, hold  
down the DEQ+ button < until  
“EQ OFF” flashes up and DEQ dis-  
appears from the display.  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
Automatic Sound Measurement  
You can make and store electronic  
measurements for three different situa-  
tions/users, for example:  
USER 1 driver alone  
USER 2 driver and passenger  
USER 3 front and back seats occu-  
While the measurements are being  
made, hold the microphone in the cor-  
responding position.  
The microphone position for situation 1 A countdown runs in the display.During  
(e.g. driver alone) is at the height of the the countdown, you can still reposition  
driver’s head.  
the microphone. When the countdown  
is over, the automatic measurement  
starts and “MEASURING” shows in the  
display. The process lasts about 1  
For situation 2, hold the microphone  
between driver and passenger.  
For situation 3, hold the microphone in  
the centre (left/right, back/front) of the  
vehicle’s interior.  
If an error occurs during measurement  
or if the microphone is not properly con-  
nected, “ERRORappears in the display  
and the process is interrupted.  
These measurements require really  
quiet surroundings. Outside noise dis-  
torts the results.  
Stopping Automatic Measurement  
To stop the automatic measurement  
Sound output from the loudspeakers  
must not be blocked by objects.All loud-  
speakers must be connected. The mi-  
crophone must be connected to the  
G Briefly press the DEQ+ button <  
or OK ;.  
Adjusting Sound Measurements  
To take automatic equalizer measure-  
To change the settings for USER 1 -  
USER 3 manually:  
G Hold the microphone at the desired  
position inside the vehicle.  
G Press the DEQ+ button <.  
G Press the DEQ+ button <.  
G Use the or button : to select  
G Use the or button : to select  
“AUTO DEQ+”.  
“AUTO DEQ+”.  
G Use the  
buttons : to activate  
USER mode.  
G Use the  
buttons : to enter  
USER mode.  
G Use the or button : to select  
G Use the or button : to  
choose between “USER 1”, “USER  
2” and “USER 3”.  
“USER 1”, “USER 2” or “USER 3”.  
G Use the  
buttons : to select a  
G Hold the DEQ+ button < pressed  
G Press the or button :.  
for longer than 2 seconds.  
G Use the button : to select a fre-  
Adjustment Instructions  
G Use the or button : to set  
the frequency level.  
For the purposes of this adjustment, we  
recommend you use a CD you know  
G To select the next filter, press first  
OK ; and then one of the  
buttons :.  
Before making any adjustments to the  
equalizer, set the tone and volume con-  
trols to zero and deactivate loudness.  
For more information on this, read the  
section on “Tone and volume controls”.  
G When all settings are complete,  
press the DEQ+ button <.  
Setting Digital Equalizer  
In addition to automatic sound meas-  
urement, you can also make manual  
settings using the 5-band parametric  
G Start playing a CD.  
G Assess the sound you hear.  
G Now consult the “Equalizer Adjust-  
ment Guide” table for “Sound Qual-  
In this case, parametric means that in  
each of the five filters, one individual fre-  
quency can be emphasised or reduced G Adjust the equalizer values as de-  
(with a gain of +8 to -8).  
scribed under “Action”.  
The following filters are available:  
G SUB LOW EQ 32 - 50 Hz  
Setting the Equalizer  
G Press the DEQ+ button <.  
63 - 250 Hz  
G Use the or button : to select  
315 - 1,250 Hz  
G MID/HIGH EQ 1,600 - 6,300 Hz  
G HIGH EQ 8,000 - 12,500 Hz  
G Use the or button : to select  
the filter.  
These filters can be set without using  
any measuring instruments.You can use  
them to make a significant difference to  
the properties of the sound in the vehi-  
G Press the or button :.  
G Press the button : to select the  
G Adjust the level with the or  
button :.  
G To select the next filter, press first  
the OK button ; then the or  
button :.  
G When you have completed all the  
settings, press the DEQ+ button  
Equalizer Adjustment Guide  
Start by setting the middle and treble ranges, and finish with the bass.  
Sound quality / problem  
Bass too quiet  
Boost the bass  
Frequency: 50 to 100 Hz  
Level: +4 to +6  
Bass sounds muddy  
Booming tone  
Unpleasant pressure  
Reduce lower middle tones  
Frequency: 125 to 400 Hz  
Level: approx. -4  
Tone lacks depth,  
is aggressive, no stereo effect.  
Reduce middle tones  
Frequency: 1,000 to 2,500 Hz  
Level: -4 to -6  
Muffled tone  
Lack of clarity  
Instruments have no brightness  
Boost the treble range  
Frequency: approx. 12,500 Hz  
Level: +2 to +4  
Selecting spectrometer type  
Selecting Sound Presets  
It is also possible to activate pre-pro- G Press the MENU button 8.  
grammed equalizer settings for the fol-  
lowing types of music:  
“MENU” appears in the display.  
G Press the button : until  
“EQ DISPLAY” appears in the  
G Press the or button : to  
select between “SPECTRUM 1”,  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
To activate pre-programmed settings for  
these types of music:  
G Press the DEQ+ button <.  
G Press the or button : until  
“SOUND PRESET” appears in the  
G Use the  
buttons : to select  
the desired preset.  
G Press the DEQ+ button < or  
OK ;.  
Adjusting the Level Indicator  
The level indicator, or spectrometer, on  
your display gives a symbolic indication  
of volume, tone control settings and  
equalizer settings while you make ad-  
When adjustments are not being made,  
the spectrometer displays the car radio’s  
output level.  
You can choose the spectrometer type  
via the menu.  
Two types are available.  
External Audio Sources  
TMC for Dynamic  
Navigation Systems  
In addition to the CD-changer, you can  
also connect one other external audio  
source that has a line output. Such  
sources include portable CD, MiniDisc  
or MP3 players.  
If no CD changer is installed, two exter-  
nal sources can be connected.  
The AUX input must be switched on in  
the menu.  
TMC meansTraffic Message Channel”.  
TMC is used to transmit traffic an-  
nouncements digitally for use in route  
planning by suitable navigation systems.  
Your car radio has a TMC output that  
can be connected to Blaupunkt naviga-  
tion systems.Your Blaupunkt dealer can  
tell you which navigation systems can  
be used with your car radio.  
To connect an external audio source,  
you need an adapter cable, available  
from your authorised Blaupunkt dealer.  
If a navigation system is connected and  
a TMC station is received, TMC lights  
up in the display.  
Switching AUX Input On / Off  
G Press the MENU button 8.  
“MENU” appears in the display.  
If dynamic route guidance is active, a  
TMC station will be tuned in automati-  
G Press the button : until “AUX-  
IN-1 OFF” or “AUX-IN-1 ON” ap-  
pears in the display.  
For the second AUX input, the “1” is re-  
placed by a “2”. If a CD changer is in-  
stalled, “2” is the only option.  
G Press the or button : to  
switch AUX on or off.  
G When the setting process is com-  
plete, press the MENU button 8  
or OK ;.  
If the AUX input is switched on, it can  
be selected via the CD•C button @.  
Technical data  
The extent of the guarantee depends  
on the statutory conditions applicable  
in the country where the device was  
Output power:  
4 x 25 Watt sine  
wave according  
to DIN 45 324  
at 14.4 V  
4 x 45 Watt max.  
If there should be a fault in your device,  
please refer to your dealer, providing  
proof of purchase.  
If the statutory minimum guarantee pe-  
riod in your country is less than 12  
months, Blaupunkt provides a 12 month  
manufacturer’s guarantee. Damage  
caused by wear, incorrect use or use  
for commercial purposes are excluded  
from this guarantee.  
VHF (FM):  
87.5 – 108 MHz  
531 – 1,602 kHz  
153 – 279 kHz  
In order to make a claim on the basis of  
Blaupunkt’s manufacturer’s guarantee,  
please send the faulty device together  
with proof of purchase to the central  
Blaupunkt customer service depot in  
your country.  
FM frequency response:  
20 - 16,000 Hz  
Frequency response:  
20 - 20,000 Hz  
You can obtain the nearest address from  
the telephone hotline on the back of this  
booklet.Blaupunkt reserves the right to  
carry out a repair or to provide a substi-  
tute device.  
Pre-amp out  
4 channels:  
4 V  
Input sensitivities  
AUX1 input:  
2 V/ 6 k  
AUX2 input:  
775 mV/ 10 kΩ  
10 V/ 560 Ω  
Tel/Navi input:  
Subject to technical alterations!  

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