Bosch Appliances Intercom System 0 User Manual

DCN Next Generation  
en Software User Manual  
LBB 4173/00  
DCN Next Generation Intercom  
en | 3  
Table of contents  
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1 Intercom  
It is not possible to start Intercom if 30 or more  
language channels have been selected in the  
System Installation module.  
1.1 About Intercom  
1.1.1 What is Intercom?  
The Intercom module is one of the software modules  
designed for monitoring and controlling conferences  
and discussions using the contribution equipment.  
Intercom provides a means of setting up and  
controlling intercom calls between delegates,  
chairmen and interpreters during a conference. It  
allows several types of calls to be made:  
From participant to operator, or vice versa  
Between participants, via the operator or directly  
From interpreter to operator, or vice versa  
From interpreter to chairman  
Between interpreters, via the operator or directly  
From participant to interpreter, or vice versa, via  
the operator or directly  
The Intercom software is used in combination with  
the intercom handset. This unit can be attached to  
chairman and delegate units, and allows private two-  
way communication in the manner of a normal  
telephone conversation.  
The software provides assistance in both the pre-  
conference creation of an intercom network, and the  
routing and controlling of intercom calls once the  
conference is under way. Preparation work includes  
assigning special intercom links between participants,  
interpreters or a combination of both.  
Those to receive intercom facilities can be identified  
either by the seat number assigned using System  
Installation (LBB 4185) or the screen line assigned  
using Delegate Database (LBB 4180). A search  
facility is available to simplify this task. Once the  
conference is taking place, the operator can establish  
and re-route intercom calls via simple on-screen  
windows. The Intercom module differs from other  
software modules in that it is automatically activated  
from an iconized state if an intercom call is made by  
a participating delegate.  
The number of audio channels available for intercom  
purposes is set using the System Installation software.  
The minimum available number of channels is zero,  
and the maximum is 6. The first channel is used for  
busy and ring-tones, the other channels are the actual  
intercom channels so the maximum number of  
simultaneous calls possible is 5. When no channels  
are assigned for intercom purposes, the Intercom  
software module cannot be used.  
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The software uses two user-created files that contain  
2 Getting started  
important information about the installed hardware  
configuration and about delegates’ names. These files  
Installation file - containing information about  
channel assignment and the numbers that have  
been assigned to all microphones connected to  
the system. These seat numbers are assigned  
using the System Installation software (LBB 4185).  
Names file - containing information about the  
name, seat number and other conference and  
personal details of participating delegates. Names  
files are created using the Delegate Database  
software (LBB 4180).  
2.1 Starting Intercom  
2.1.1 The Startup screen  
The Intercom program is started from the Startup  
screen (shown below).  
The software modules may be started up from the  
Startup main window without specifying either an  
installation or names file. However, some software  
modules will not run without the appropriate  
installation or names file.  
Intercom makes use of the information contained  
both in an installation file and a names file. The  
screen line as specified in a names file is used by  
Intercom to define delegates. The seat numbers  
assigned using System Installation and contained in  
an installation file are also used. The number of  
communication channels to be used for intercom  
purposes is also assigned using System Installation  
and contained in an installation file.  
Figure 1 The Startup screen  
Selecting an installation- (and a names) file  
For details on selecting an installation- (and a names)  
file, please refer to the Startup user manual (LBB  
For starting the Startup program from an icon  
at the Windows desktop, refer to the Startup  
user manual.  
The Intercom icon  
For details on the Intercom icon and how to start  
Intercom from Startup, please refer to the Startup  
user manual (LBB 4190).  
If there are no intercom channels assigned in  
the System Installation module, then it will not  
be possible to open the Intercom module, and  
the Intercom icon will be grayed out.  
2.2 Using Help  
2.2.1 The Help menu  
The ‘Help’ menu in the title bar contains commands  
for an on-screen help facility. This help facility  
contains information on all commands in the ‘File’  
menu, on which keyboard keys are functional, a  
description of how to use the software, information  
on how to use the help facility itself, plus an index  
and a glossary of terms. All information contained in  
this user manual is also found in the Help’ facility.  
It is not possible to start Intercom if 30 or more  
language channels have been selected in the  
System Installation module.  
The ‘Help’ facility contains the following options:  
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Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘Procedures’.  
Using Help  
About Intercom.  
A list of topics is given. For more information on any  
topic contained in the list:  
Click on the required topic in the list.  
A list of options for the selected topic is given. For  
more information on any option contained in the list:  
2.2.2 Index  
To access the index:  
Click on the required option in the list.  
An on-screen page with the requested information  
will appear.  
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘Index’.  
A full list of subjects covered by the help facility is  
given in alphabetical order. For more information on  
any subject contained in the index:  
2.2.6 Glossary  
To access the glossary:  
Click on the required subject in the index.  
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘Glossary’.  
An on-screen page with the requested information  
will appear.  
A list of terms used in the help facility is given in  
alphabetical order. For more information on any  
term contained in the glossary:  
2.2.3 Keyboard  
Click on the required subject in the index.  
This gives information on which keys on your  
keyboard can be used with the software. This  
includes using keys to activate menu items, to move  
around in dialogue boxes, for short cuts, and to select  
options from the main window. To access the  
‘Keyboard’ help facility:  
A window with the requested information will appear.  
2.2.7 Using Help  
This gives information on how to use the help facility.  
To access the ‘Using Help’ facility:  
Select the Help’ menu and click on Keyboard’.  
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on Using Help’.  
A list of different key types is given. For more  
information on any key type contained in the list:  
A list of topics is given. For more information on any  
topic contained in the list:  
Click on the required key type in the list.  
Click on the required topic in the list.  
An on-screen page with the requested information  
will appear.  
A list of options for the selected topic is given. For  
more information on any option contained in the list:  
Click on the required option in the list.  
2.2.4 Commands  
This gives information on all menu options, covering  
the ‘File’, ‘Edit’, ‘View’, ‘Settings’ and ‘Help’ menus.  
To access the ‘Commands’ help facility:  
An on-screen page with the requested information  
will appear.  
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘Commands’.  
2.2.8 About  
This provides software release information. To  
display the ‘About Intercom...’ window:  
A list of menu groups is given. For more information  
on any menu group contained in the list:  
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘About  
Click on the required menu group in the list.  
A list of options in the selected menu group is given.  
For more information on any option contained in the  
The following window appears:  
Click on the required option in the list.  
An on-screen page with the requested information  
will appear.  
2.2.5 Procedures  
This gives information on how to use the software.  
To access the ‘Procedures’ help facility:  
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Figure 2 The ‘About Intercom...’ window  
To remove this window:  
Click on the ‘OK’ push button.  
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3 Preparing for a conference  
The number of available lines depends on the  
number of intercom lines specified using  
System Installation. When no channels are  
assigned for intercom purposes, the Intercom  
software module cannot be used.  
3.1 The main window  
The Intercom main window is used to display  
incoming intercom calls from delegates, chairmen or  
interpreters, to select a destination for the calls, and  
to connect the caller with the appropriate destination.  
You can also initiate intercom calls yourself.  
The information displayed in the ‘Call From’ display  
field is dependent on who has initiated the call. The  
following possibilities exist:  
‘<Delegate/chairman screen line>, <seat number>’.  
This indicates that an intercom call has been  
made by a chairman or delegate, and that the  
following conditions have been met:  
From the main window you can also access the menu  
bar, which allows you to edit intercom files, set up  
and delete special intercom links, alter settings and  
access the Help menu.  
a names file has been opened  
a screen line has been assigned to the calling  
the chairman/delegate has been identified to  
the DCN system as the user of the unit from  
where the intercom call is made  
The order in which this information is displayed  
is determined by the ‘Search’ mode. If ‘Names’  
is selected, the screen line will appear first,  
followed by the seat number. If ‘Number’ is  
selected, the seat number will appear first,  
followed by the screen line.  
‘<Seat number>’ indicates that an intercom call  
has been made by a chairman or delegate, but no  
names file has been opened, and/or no  
chairman/delegate has been identified to the  
DCN system as the user of the unit from where  
the intercom call is made.  
‘Interpreters Booth <N>, Desk <M>.’ This  
indicates that an intercom call has been made by  
an interpreter. <N> indicates the booth number  
of the interpreter, and <M> gives the desk  
number within the booth.  
Figure 3 The main window  
The main window can be divided into three parts.  
The upper part of the window is used to display  
information on the person who wishes to initiate an  
intercom call. The middle part is used to select a  
destination for this call.  
The lower part of the screen has a push button that is  
used to connect the caller to the destination.  
The main window contains the following elements:  
When an intercom call is made to the operator  
by a user (i.e. a chairman, delegate, interpreter),  
this is registered by the appearance of the  
‘Connect To’ window. For more details, please  
refer to paragraph 4.1.  
‘Call From’ static text and display field  
Group of two ‘Connect To’ radio buttons  
List box displaying all those eligible to receive  
the call using ‘Connect To’  
‘Search’ radio buttons, push button and edit box  
Menu bar  
‘Connect’ push button with text displaying the  
number of available lines  
3.1.1 The menu bar  
All menu options referred to in this user manual are  
contained within the menu bar, located underneath  
the title bar at the top of the main window. Access to  
drop-down menus is gained by clicking on the menu  
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title, displayed in the menu bar. The full list of menu  
options is as follows:  
Clicking on ‘Cancel’ closes the dialogue box  
without initiating commands and/or changes.  
This applies to all dialogue boxes in the  
Intercom program.  
Ring Tone  
Intercom Activity…  
Save As…  
Print Activity…  
If you have requested to open a new intercom file  
before saving a current intercom file that has been  
changed, a warning message with the following text is  
Using Help  
About Intercom…  
‘Changes have been made to <filename>.’  
‘Do you want to save?’  
3.2 Working with intercom files  
Click on the ‘Yes’ push button to save the  
changed intercom file and open the new  
intercom file.  
3.2.1 Intercom file options  
The ‘File’ menu has commands for:  
• Click on the ‘No’ push button to open the new  
intercom file without saving the changed  
intercom file.  
Opening a new intercom file  
Opening an existing intercom file  
Saving an intercom file under its current name  
Saving an intercom file under a different name  
Deleting an intercom file  
Printing intercom activity  
Exiting the Intercom program  
• Click on the ‘Cancel’ push button to return to  
the ‘New’ dialogue box.  
If you have typed a filename that already exists, a  
warning message with the following text is displayed:  
‘A file already exists with this name’  
Click on the ‘OK’ push button. You can then  
enter a unique name in the ‘New’ dialogue box.  
Exiting Intercom is covered in paragraph 4.4  
and printing is covered in paragraph 4.34.4  
Opening an existing intercom file  
To do so:  
Creating a new intercom file  
To open a new intercom file:  
Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Open...’.  
Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘New...’.  
The following dialogue box appears:  
The following dialogue box appears:  
Figure 4 The ‘New’ dialogue box  
The dialogue box contains a text box for entering the  
file name. A text insertion point is already in the text  
box and you can type a name up to 12 characters  
Type the desired intercom file name in the text  
Figure 5 The 'Open' dialogue box  
This dialogue box contains a list box for selecting the  
intercom file name. The name of the current  
intercom file is also displayed. When the ‘Open’  
dialogue box opens, the list box contains all available  
intercom files. If the list contains more names than  
Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.  
A new intercom file opens and the name appears in  
the title bar at the top of the window.  
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can be displayed, a scroll bar is provided.  
To open an intercom file:  
The following dialogue box appears:  
Click on the name in the list.  
Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.  
If you have requested to open a new intercom file  
before saving a current intercom file that has been  
changed, a warning message with the following text is  
‘Changes have been made to <filename>.’  
‘Do you want to save?’  
Figure 6 The ‘Save As’ dialogue box  
Click on the ‘Yes’ push button to save the  
changed intercom file and open the new  
intercom file.  
This dialogue box contains a text box for entering  
the new intercom file name. When the ‘Save As...’  
dialogue box opens, a text insertion point is already  
in the text box and you can type a name up to 12  
characters long.  
Click on the ‘No’ push button to open the new  
intercom file without saving the changed  
intercom file.  
Type the desired intercom file name in the text  
Click on the ‘Cancel’ push button to return to the  
‘New’ dialogue box.  
Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.  
The intercom file is saved with the new name, which  
appears in the title bar at the top of the window. The  
original file is unchanged. If you have typed a  
filename that already exists, a warning message with  
the following text is displayed:  
Saving an intercom file  
To save the current intercom file:  
Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Save’.  
‘A file already exists with this name’  
Saving an intercom file under a new name  
This allows you to save the current intercom file  
under a different name. By doing so, the original file  
remains unaltered. To do so:  
Click on the ‘OK’ push button. You can then  
enter a unique name in the ‘Save As’ dialogue  
Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Save As...’.  
Deleting an intercom file  
If you wish to delete an intercom file:  
Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Delete...’.  
The following dialogue box appears:  
Figure 7 The ‘Delete’ dialogue box  
This dialogue box contains a list box for selecting the  
file to be deleted. A scroll bar is provided if  
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‘Search’ radio buttons, push button and edit box  
‘Special Links’ list box  
‘Delete’ push button  
Click on the name in the list.  
Click on the ‘Delete’ push button.  
‘OK’ and ‘Cancel’ push buttons  
Another dialogue box will appear, with the text:  
‘Are you sure you want to delete file  
Determining where the special link begins  
This option allows you to select a delegate, chairman  
or interpreter who can initiate a special intercom call.  
To select a delegate/chairman:  
If you still want to continue:  
Click on the ‘OK’ push button.  
Click on the ‘Delegates’ radio button (if this  
option is not already enabled).  
To select an interpreter:  
You cannot delete the currently active file.  
Click on the ‘Interpreters’ radio button (if this  
option is not already enabled).  
3.3 Setting up special intercom links  
The Intercom software allows you to set up special  
intercom links between conference participants, or  
between participants and interpreters, or between  
interpreters. These special links mean that the  
selected people can call each other directly.  
Normally, intercom calls must go through the  
If ‘Delegates’ has been selected, the ‘From’ list box  
will display an alphabetical list of all delegates and  
chairmen that can initiate an intercom call, i.e. those  
have a valid seat number in the currently open  
installation file  
are connected to an intercom handset and cradle  
have not already been used as the ‘From’ part of  
a special intercom link  
The special links always have a direction, i.e. they go  
from one person to another. Only one special link  
can come from a single person, but anyone can  
receive as many as the system permits.  
Each delegate or chairman will be identified by a  
screen line and seat number, or only a seat number if  
no screen line has been specified. Whether the seat  
number or screen line is displayed first depends on  
which ‘Search’ mode has been selected.  
The setting up of special intercom links is carried out  
from the ‘Special Intercom Links’ dialogue box.  
If ‘Interpreters’ has been selected, the ‘Connect To’ list  
box will display a list of all installed interpreters.  
Select the ‘Edit’ menu and click on ‘Links...’.  
The following dialogue box appears:  
What is displayed for interpreters is based on  
information contained within an interpreter  
configuration file in the Simultaneous  
Interpretation software module (LBB 4172). If  
no booth/desk numbers have been defined, or  
the Simultaneous Interpretation program is not  
open, then there will be no information  
displayed in the ‘From’ list box.  
Each interpreter will be identified by ‘Booth <N>,  
Desk <M>’, where <N> indicates the booth number  
of the interpreter, and <M> gives the desk number  
within the booth.  
Figure 8 The ‘Special Intercom Links’ dialogue box  
To select a delegate, chairman or interpreter:  
This dialogue box contains the following elements:  
Click on the name in the list.  
‘From:’ list box, with  
‘Delegates’ and ‘Interpreters’ radio buttons  
‘Search’ radio buttons, push button and edit box  
‘Link’ push button  
‘To:’ list box, with  
‘Delegates’ and ‘Interpreters’ radio buttons  
If you wish to change your selection, simply repeat  
the procedure.  
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Click on the ‘Search’ push button.  
This option allows you to conduct a search for a  
particular delegate, chairman or interpreter. There  
are two ‘Search’ radio buttons, a ‘Search’ push button  
and a list box:  
Once the search is completed, the list box displays all  
entries corresponding to the input details. You can  
select the desired entry by clicking on it.  
Determining who the special link goes to  
This option allows you to select a delegate, chairman  
or interpreter as the destination of a special intercom  
The procedure for locating a person to receive a  
special intercom link is identical to the procedure for  
selecting where the special link comes from. For  
more information on how to locate delegates,  
chairmen or interpreters and conducting a search,  
please refer to page 11.  
Figure 9 The ‘Search’ facility  
You can specify whether the search is conducted by  
screen line (‘Names’) or seat number (‘Numbers’)  
when searching for a delegate or chairman.  
The conditions under which delegates, chairmen or  
interpreters appear in the ‘To’ list box are identical to  
the conditions for the ‘From’ list box, except that  
names still appear in the list even if they are already  
the destination of a special intercom link. This means  
in effect that one person can receive any number of  
special links.  
When ‘Interpreters’ is selected, a ‘Search’ is  
carried out to locate interpreters. In this case  
the ‘Names’ and ‘Numbers’ radio buttons are  
deactivated, and you must enter ‘<N>, <M>’ in  
the text box located under the ‘Search’ push  
button, where <N> and <M> are the booth  
number and desk number of the interpreter  
To select a delegate, chairman or interpreter to  
receive the special intercom link:  
Click on the name in the list.  
To choose the mode not currently selected:  
Making the link  
Click on the radio button without the black circle.  
Once you have made a selection in the ‘From:’ list  
box and the ‘To:’ list box, the arrow-shaped ‘Link’  
push button, situated between the two list boxes,  
becomes active. To make the link:  
Specifying the ‘Search’ mode also determines  
the way information is displayed in the  
Click on the ‘Link’ push button.  
‘Connect To’ list box. If ‘Names’ is selected,  
then the list is arranged alphabetically by  
screen line, with the seat number displayed  
after each screen line. If ‘Numbers’ is selected,  
then the list is arranged by seat number, in  
ascending numerical order. The screen line (if  
specified) is displayed after each seat number.  
A special intercom link is made. The entry selected  
in the ‘From’ list box is removed and inserted in the  
‘Special Links’ list box under the ‘From’ column. The  
entry selected in the ‘To’ list box is de-selected (but  
not removed) and appears in the ‘Special Links’ list  
box under the ‘To’ column.  
Deleting special intercom links  
To delete a special intercom link:  
You can specify a particular delegate or chairman  
you wish to search for. This is done by entering the  
details of the required delegate/chairman in the text  
box situated under the ‘Search’ push button. If  
‘Numbers’ has been specified for the search, you may  
only enter up to four alphanumeric characters. If  
‘Names’ has been specified for the search, then the  
maximum number of characters allowed equals the  
maximum length of the screen line. To search:  
Select an entry in the ‘Special Links’ list box.  
Click on the ‘Delete’ push button.  
The special link will be deleted. The person that the  
link came from will be re-inserted at the appropriate  
position in the ‘From’ list box.  
Click on the text box under the ‘Search’ push  
When you have finished setting up special links:  
Click on the ‘OK’ push button.  
Type the details of the required delegate in the  
text box.  
You will return to the main window.  
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To disable logging again:  
Click on the ‘Off’ radio button.  
3.4 Specifying intercom settings  
You can specify intercom-related parameters using  
the ‘Settings’ menu. The ‘Settings’ menu is accessed  
from the main window, and has two options:  
The ‘Send To File’ edit field allows you to specify the  
destination file of the logging activity. You can enter  
a file name, which must be a valid MS-DOS name no  
longer than eight characters. To do so:  
Ring Tone  
Intercom Activity  
3.4.1 Ring Tone  
Click on the ‘Send To File’ text box.  
This option allows you to enable or disable an  
audible tone that sounds every time an intercom call  
is made to the operator. The default state is ‘enabled’.  
To disable the tone:  
Type in the file name.  
If you enter an invalid filename and/or location, or  
do not enter one at all, a warning message with the  
following text is displayed:  
Select the ‘Settings’ menu and click on ‘Ring  
‘Invalid filename’  
The tick mark () will subsequently disappear,  
indicating that the ring tone has been disabled.  
To turn the ring tone back on:  
Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.  
You will return to the dialogue box and can enter a  
valid filename and/or location.  
Select the ‘Settings’ menu and click on ‘Ring  
Tone’ again.  
The tick mark () will subsequently appear,  
indicating that the ring tone has been enabled again.  
The destination file(s) for Intercom activity  
logging are located in the DCNNG\Iclog  
3.4.2 Logging intercom activity  
This option allows you to enable or disable the  
logging of all intercom activity. You can also specify  
the name of the file where logging information will  
be stored. To do so:  
It is possible to print an intercom activity file. To  
do so, please refer to paragraph 4.3.  
Select the ‘Settings’ menu and click on ‘Intercom  
Once you have finished specifying all parameters in  
the ‘Intercom Activity’ dialogue box:  
The following dialogue box appears:  
Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.  
Any changes made will be saved, and you will return  
to the main window.  
Figure 10 The ‘Intercom Activity’ dialogue box  
The ‘Logging’ radio buttons allow you to enable or  
disable intercom activity logging. The default state is  
‘off’. To enable logging:  
Click on the ‘On’ radio button.  
A black circle will appear to indicate this option has  
been selected.  
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4.1.1 Routing incoming intercom calls  
4 Intercom activity during a  
If the call is a request from a user to speak to another  
user, you must call up the main window in order to  
route and connect the call. To do so:  
Click on the ‘Connect To...’ push button.  
4.1 Handling incoming intercom calls  
When an intercom call is made to the operator by a  
user (i.e. a chairman, delegate, interpreter), this is  
registered by the appearance of the following window  
The ‘Connect Request’ dialogue box disappears and  
the following dialogue box appears:  
Figure 11 The ‘Connect Request’ dialogue box  
This dialogue box appears even if the Intercom  
software module was iconized.  
Figure 12 The ‘Intercom’ dialogue box  
The presence of an incoming call is also registered by  
a single ring tone, if this option has been enabled.  
For more details, please refer to paragraph 3.4.  
The ‘Connect Request’ window also  
disappears if the caller or the operator hangs  
The ‘Connect Request’ dialogue box contains the  
following elements:  
‘Call From’ text  
The field below the ‘Call From’ text identifies the  
Text identifying the caller. This can be in the  
form of screen line/seat number, seat number  
only or interpretation booth and desk number.  
For details of which information appears, please  
refer to ‘Search’ on page 12.  
If you wish to connect the caller with another  
‘Please lift handset’ text  
‘Connect To...’ push button  
Click on the ‘Delegates’ radio button (if this  
option is not already enabled).  
When this window appears:  
If you wish to connect the caller to an interpreter:  
Pick up the handset connected to the PC to  
answer the call.  
Click on the ‘Interpreters’ radio button (if this  
option is not already enabled).  
If ‘Delegates’ has been selected, the ‘Connect To’ list  
box (located beneath the ‘Connect To’ radio buttons)  
will display an alphabetical list of all delegates and  
chairmen that can receive an intercom call. To be  
eligible, they must have the following:  
If the incoming call is not answered by the  
operator within 60 seconds, it will be  
A valid seat number in the currently open  
installation file  
A connection to an intercom handset  
Each delegate or chairman will be identified by a  
screen line and seat number, or only a seat number if  
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no screen line has been specified. Whether the seat  
number or screen line is displayed first depends on  
which ‘Search’ mode has been selected.  
When ‘Interpreters’ is selected, a ‘Search’ can  
only be carried out to locate interpreters, and  
can therefore only be done by ‘Numbers’,  
where numbers is ‘Booth <N>, Desk <M>’.  
If ‘Interpreters’ has been selected, the ‘Connect To’ list  
box will display a list of all interpreters who can  
receive an intercom call.  
To choose the mode not currently selected:  
Click on the radio button without the black circle.  
What is displayed for interpreters is based on  
information contained within an interpreter  
configuration file in the Simultaneous  
Interpretation software module (LBB 4172). If  
no booth/desk numbers have been defined, or  
the Simultaneous Interpretation program is not  
open, then there will be no information  
Specifying the ‘Search’ mode also determines  
the way information is displayed in the  
‘Connect To’ list box. If ‘Names’ is selected,  
then the list is arranged alphabetically by  
screen line, with the seat number displayed  
after each screen line. If ‘Numbers’ is selected,  
then the list is arranged by seat number, in  
ascending numerical order. The screen line (if  
specified) is displayed after each seat number.  
displayed in the ‘‘Connect To’ list box.  
Each interpreter will be identified by ‘Booth <N>,  
Desk <M>’, where <N> indicates the booth number  
of the interpreter, and <M> gives the desk number  
within the booth.  
You can specify a particular delegate or chairman  
you wish to search for. This is done by entering the  
details of the required delegate/chairman in the text  
box situated under the ‘Search’ push button. If  
‘Numbers’ has been specified for the search, you may  
only enter up to four alphanumeric characters. If  
‘Names’ has been specified for the search, then the  
maximum number of characters allowed equals the  
maximum length of the screen line.  
Selecting a delegate, chairman or interpreter for  
The procedure for selecting a person to receive the  
intercom call is always the same, regardless of  
whether a delegate, chairman or interpreter is  
selected. To do so:  
Click on the name in the list.  
To search:  
If you wish to change your selection, simply repeat  
the procedure.  
Click on the text box under the ‘Search’ push  
This option allows you to conduct a search for a  
particular delegate or chairman. The ‘Search’ facility  
is located beneath the ‘Connect To’ list box. There are  
two ‘Search’ radio buttons, a ‘Search’ push button and  
a list box:  
Type the details of the required delegate in the  
text box.  
Click on the ‘Search’ push button.  
Once the search is completed, the list box displays all  
entries corresponding to the input details. You can  
select the desired entry by clicking on it.  
Connecting an incoming call  
Once you have selected the destination of the  
intercom call, you can connect it to the caller. This is  
done by means of the ‘Connect’ push button at the  
bottom of the dialogue box. This button is enabled if  
the following conditions are met:  
Figure 13 The ‘Search’ facility  
You can specify whether the search is conducted by  
screen line (‘Names’) or seat number (‘Numbers’)  
when searching for a delegate or chairman.  
The handset of the operator’s intercom unit is  
not on the cradle.  
An item has been selected in the ‘Connect To’ list  
There are intercom lines available. If there are  
no intercom lines available, the text beneath the  
‘Connect’ push button will say ‘(No Lines  
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To connect:  
If you wish to change your selection, simply repeat  
the procedure.  
Click on the ‘Connect’ push button.  
For more details on conducting a search for a  
particular delegate or chairman, please refer to page  
If the connection is successful, the text beneath the  
‘Connect’ push button will be updated so the number  
of lines available is reduced by one. The Intercom  
application will be automatically iconized.  
Connecting the call  
Once you have selected the destination of your  
intercom call, you can make a connection by means  
of the ‘Connect’ push button at the bottom of the  
dialogue box. This button is enabled if the following  
conditions are met:  
4.2 Generating intercom calls  
As the operator, you can also initiate intercom calls  
to chairmen, delegates or interpreters. To do so:  
Pick up the handset connected to the PC.  
The handset of the operator’s intercom unit is  
not on the cradle  
An item has been selected in the ‘Connect To’  
This causes the following dialogue box to appear:  
There are intercom lines available. If there are  
no intercom lines available, the text beneath the  
‘Connect’ push button will say ‘(No Lines  
To connect:  
Click on the ‘Connect’ push button.  
If the connection is successful, the text beneath the  
‘Connect’ push button will be updated so the number  
of lines available is reduced by one. The Intercom  
application will be automatically iconized.  
4.3 Printing  
It is possible to print a record of intercom activity.  
Figure 14 The ‘Intercom’ dialogue box  
The field below the ‘Call From’ text will contain the  
word ‘Operator’, indicating that you have initiated the  
To print a log file, it is first necessary to ensure  
that logging is disabled in the Intercom Activity  
dialogue box (see paragraph 3.4.2).  
If you wish to call a delegate/chairman:  
Click on the ‘Delegates’ radio button (if this  
option is not already enabled).  
To print a record of intercom activity:  
Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Print  
The following dialogue box appears:  
If you wish to call an interpreter:  
Click on the ‘Interpreters’ radio button (if this  
option is not already enabled).  
The ‘Call To’ list box only contains  
delegates/chairmen or interpreters who can receive  
an intercom call. (For more details on how entries  
appear in this list, please refer to paragraph 4.1.1).  
Selecting a delegate, chairman or interpreter for  
The procedure for selecting a person to receive the  
intercom call is always the same, regardless of  
whether a delegate, chairman or interpreter is  
selected. To do so:  
Figure 15 The ‘Print Activity’ dialogue box  
Click on the name in the list.  
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To select the intercom activity file for printing:  
Click on the Intercom icon.  
Click on the arrow button on the right-hand side  
of the ‘Name’ entry field. A drop-down list of files  
If an intercom call is made by a delegate,  
chairman or interpreter, Intercom will  
automatically re-open and a message will  
Scroll through the list and click on the required  
file. The filename appears in the entry field.  
appear on-screen. For more details, please  
refer to paragraph 4.1.  
4.4.2 Permanently exiting Intercom  
If you wish to exit Intercom completely:  
The files that appear in this list are the files  
specified using the ‘Intercom Activity’ dialogue  
box. For more details, please refer to paragraph  
Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Exit’.  
If you have requested to exit before saving an  
intercom file that has changed, a warning message  
with the following text is displayed:  
‘Changes have been made to <filename>.  
Do you want to save?’  
To specify a page header:  
Select the ‘Page Header:’ text box. A descriptive  
name may be entered up to 20 characters long.  
This text box may also be left blank.  
Click on the ‘Yes’ push button to save the  
changed layout file and exit the program.  
To specify the number of copies:  
Select the ‘Number of Copies:’ field and type in  
the required number. The maximum number is  
Click on the ‘No’ push button to exit without  
saving the changed layout file.  
Click on the ‘Cancel’ push button to return to the  
main window without exiting.  
When you exit Intercom you will return to the  
Windows desktop.  
The up and down arrow buttons on the right-  
hand side of this field can be used to scroll to  
the required number.  
Click on the ‘Print’ push button.  
You can also exit Intercom by clicking on the  
‘close’ button on the far top-right corner of the  
The specified number of hard copies of intercom  
activity will be printed out.  
4.4 Exiting Intercom  
By closing the Startup program, all DCN  
applications will close.  
4.4.1 Temporarily exiting Intercom  
It is possible to temporarily leave Intercom without  
closing it down completely. To do so:  
Click on the ‘minimize’ button situated at the  
top-right of the application window.  
The Intercom program will become iconized in the  
Windows desktop.  
After an intercom connection has been made,  
the Intercom application automatically ionizes.  
To re-enter Intercom:  
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For more information please visit  
© 2005 Bosch Security Systems B.V.  
Data subject to change without notice  
January 2005 | 9922 141 70371  

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