Braun Thermometer 6013 User Manual

IRT 3020  
IRT 3520  
Type 6012  
Type 6013  
IRT 3520  
Configuration A  
Configuration B  
IRT 3020  
Configuration A  
Configuration B  
The Braun ThermoScan thermometer has been carefully developed for accurate,  
safe and fast human body temperature measurements in the ear. The shape of  
the thermometer prevents it from being inserted too far into the ear canal to damage  
the eardrum.  
However, as with any thermometer, proper technique is critical to obtaining  
accurate temperatures. Therefore, please read all instructions carefully and  
thoroughly before using this product and keep the manual handy for future  
• The operating ambient temperature range for this thermometer is 50 °F to 104 °F  
(10 °C to 40 °C).  
• Do not expose the thermometer to temperature extremes below - 4 °F or over 122 °F  
( - 20 / 50 °C) or excessive humidity ( > 95 % RH non-condensing).  
• This thermometer must only be used with genuine Braun ThermoScan Lens Filters  
(LF 40). Never use this thermometer without a new, clean lens filter attached.  
• If the thermometer is ever accidentally used without a lens filter attached, clean  
the lens (see «Care and cleaning»).  
• Always store thermometer in travel case, protective cover or plastic case.  
• Basic safety precautions should always be observed, especially when using  
the thermometer on or near children and disabled persons.  
• Keep lens filters out of reach of children.  
• This thermometer is intended for home use only.  
• Use of this thermometer is not intended as a substitute for consultation with  
your physician.  
• Do not leave thermometer or lens filters with infants or children at any time.  
How does Braun ThermoScan work?  
The Braun ThermoScan thermometer measures the infrared heat  
generated by the eardrum and surrounding tissue. To help ensure  
accuracy, the thermometer «scans» by taking 8 measurements in  
just one second and displaying the highest temperature.  
The displayed ThermoScan temperature is the actual measured  
ear canal temperature plus a mathematical adjustment to approximate  
the familiar oral range. However, this is not necessarily the same as  
an oral temperature measured at the same time.  
Why measure in the ear?  
The goal of thermometry is to measure core body temperature,  
which is the temperature of the vital organs. Clinical studies have  
shown that the ear is an excellent site to measure body temperature,  
since ear temperatures reflect core body temperature. The eardrum  
shares blood supply with the temperature control center in the brain,  
the hypothalamus, allowing changes in body temperature to be  
reflected sooner in the ear than at other sites.  
• Axillary temperatures reflect skin temperature which may not indicate core body  
• Oral temperatures are influenced by drinking, eating and breathing through the  
• Rectal temperatures often lag behind changes in core body temperature and there  
is a risk of cross-contamination.  
Body temperature  
Normal body temperature is a range. The following table1 shows that ranges of nor-  
mal also vary by site. Therefore, readings from different sites, even if taken at the  
same time, should not be directly compared.  
94.5 °F - 99.1 °F  
95.9 °F - 99.5 °F  
97.9 °F - 100.4 °F  
96.4 °F - 100.4 °F  
34.7 °C - 37.3 °C  
35.5 °C - 37.5 °C  
36.6 °C - 38.0 °C  
35.8 °C - 38.0 °C  
• Also, a person’s normal temperature range tends to decrease with age. The follow-  
ing table shows normal ThermoScan ranges by age.  
Normal ThermoScan temperature ranges2  
0 - 2 years  
3 - 10 years  
11 - 65 years  
> 65 years  
97.5 °F - 100.4 °F  
97.0 °F - 100.0 °F  
96.6 °F - 99.7 °F  
96.4 °F - 99.5 °F  
36.4°C - 38.0 °C  
36.1°C - 37.8 °C  
35.9°C - 37.6 °C  
35.8°C - 37.5 °C  
• However, the range of normal also varies from person to person and fluctuates  
throughout the day. It is therefore important to determine your and your family  
members’ normal temperature ranges. This is easily done using Braun ThermoScan.  
Practice taking temperatures on yourself and healthy family members to determine  
their normal temperature ranges.  
Note: When consulting your physician, communicate that the ThermoScan tempera-  
ture is a temperature measured in the ear and if possible, note the individual’s normal  
ThermoScan temperature range as additional reference.  
1. Chamberlain, J.M., Terndrup, T.E., New Light on Ear Thermometer Readings, Contemporary Pediatrics,  
March 1994.  
2. Chamberlain, J.M., et al., Determination of Normal Ear Temperature with an Infrared Emission Detection  
Thermometer, Annals of Emergency Medicine, January 1995.  
Product description  
1. Lens filter  
2. Probe tip  
3. Probe  
4. Lens filter detector  
5. Lens filter ejector  
6. Display (LCD)  
7. LCD light button  
(IRT 3520 only)  
8. /mem button (On/memory function)  
9. Battery door lock  
10. Battery door  
11. Activation button  
12. Label  
13. Travel case/protective cover/storage pouch  
(depending on configuration)  
Package components  
• Braun ThermoScan thermometer  
• Use and Care manual  
• Quick Reference Guide  
• Lens filters (20, plus one on the thermometer)  
• Owner registration/warranty card  
• Additional items may be included as noted on  
outer packaging  
• Label  
The first time you use the thermometer, please  
make sure to apply the special label included  
in the package, in the language of your choice  
(Item 12 on page 3).  
How to use Braun ThermoScan  
1. Always make sure a new, clean lens filter is  
in place to help ensure an accurate reading.  
The thermometer will not function without a  
lens filter attached (see Changing the lens  
2. Press the /mem button.  
The LCD (liquid crystal display) is activated,  
showing all segments.  
When the ready symbol  
is displayed  
the thermometer is ready for use.  
To help ensure an accurate temperature  
reading, use the following technique: If you are  
right handed, hold the thermometer in the  
right hand and take the temperature in the right  
ear. If you are left handed, hold it in the left  
hand and use the left ear.  
3. Perform an ear tug to straighten the ear canal.  
This gives the thermometer a clear view of the  
Children under 1 year:  
Pull the ear straight back.  
Children aged 1 year to adult:  
Pull the ear up and back.  
An ear tug is best performed by using your free  
hand to grasp the outer edge of the top half of  
the ear. To take your own temperature, wrap  
your free hand around the back of your head  
and grab your ear from behind.  
4. While tugging the ear, fit the probe snugly into  
the ear canal as far as possible and press the  
activation button. Release it when you hear a  
beep. This is the Temp Beep that confirms the  
end of measurement.  
5. Remove the thermometer from the ear canal.  
The LCD displays the temperature measured.  
6. Replace the lens filter after each measure-  
ment: press the ejector button and put on a  
new, clean lens filter.  
7. A new measurement can be taken as long as  
the ready symbol  
is shown. If no button  
is pressed within 2 minutes, the thermometer  
will turn off automatically.  
Note: In the following situations, it is recommended that you  
take three temperatures in the same ear. If they differ, use the  
highest reading.  
• Infants in the first 90 days of life.  
• Children under three years of age who have a condition  
such as a compromised immune system and for whom the  
presence or absence of fever is critical.  
• When you are first learning to use the ear thermometer until  
you are comfortable with the technique and are obtaining  
consistent readings.  
Important: As with any type of thermometer, slight temperature  
variations ( 0.3 - 0.5 °F / 0.2 - 0.3 °C) can occur, if con-  
secutive measurements are taken.  
Temperature taking hints  
• The right ear reading may differ from the reading taken at the left  
ear. Therefore, always take the temperature in the same ear.  
• The ear must be free from obstructions or excess earwax build-  
up to take an accurate reading.  
• External factors may influence ear temperatures, including when  
an individual has:  
- been lying on one ear or the other  
- had their ears covered  
- been exposed to very hot or very cold temperatures, or  
- been recently swimming or bathing.  
In these cases, remove the individual from the situation and wait  
20 minutes prior to taking a temperature.  
Memory mode  
The last temperature taken before the thermo-  
meter powers down is stored in memory. To enter  
the memory mode, press the /mem button.  
Even in memory mode, a new temperature can be  
taken provided that the ready symbol is  
IRT 3020  
The last stored temperature is displayed along  
with the MEM symbol. To quit the memory mode,  
press the /mem button again.  
IRT 3520  
This model allows you to store up to 8 temper-  
When pressing the /mem button, the display  
shows the memory cell number (e.g. MEM 1).  
When releasing the /mem button, the stored  
temperature is displayed.  
Each time the /mem button is pressed, a new  
memory cell is displayed (up to MEM 8).  
An empty memory cell shows «- - - °F».  
Only the first empty memory cell will be displayed.  
To quit the memory mode, press the /mem  
button again after reaching MEM 8 or «- - - °F».  
Memory clear  
Press the /mem button for 5 seconds to clear  
the temperatures stored in memory. Release the  
/mem button to return to the ready symbol  
LCD light (model IRT 3520 only)  
For easy nighttime reading.  
Changing the temperature scale  
This thermometer is shipped with the Fahrenheit temperature  
scale activated. If you wish to switch to Celsius (°C), proceed as  
Turn on the thermometer.  
(If it is already turned on, make sure it is not in memory mode.)  
• Press the /mem button and keep it pressed. Then press and  
release the activation button to switch over to the «change  
temperature scale» mode.  
• By pressing the activation button again, the Celsius scale is  
activated, «°C» is displayed on the LCD. Each further pressing  
of the activation button toggles the scale between °C and °F.  
IRT 3020  
IRT 3520  
• Release the /mem button to return to the ready symbol  
All temperatures stored in memory will automatically be converted  
to the selected scale when displayed on the LCD.  
Changing the lens filter  
The thermometer is supplied with a lens filter in place. To assure  
accuracy and sanitary practice, Braun recommends replacing the  
lens filter after each use. To install a new lens filter, first remove  
the one in place by pressing the lens filter ejector. Check the lens  
for any damage. Then take a new lens filter from the box, and hold-  
ing it by its edges, slide it onto the probe until it snaps in place.  
Caution: Do not touch the tip of the probe or lens filters  
when installing. Fingerprints, ear wax, dust and other soiling  
compounds reduce the transparency, resulting in lower tem-  
perature readings (see also Care and cleaning).  
Should you run out of lens filters and need to take a temperature,  
you may use the following lens filter cleaning procedure:  
• Clean the lens filter without removing it from the thermometer  
with a soft cloth or cotton swab moistened with alcohol.  
Do not use hot or boiling water.  
• Dry completely with a soft cloth before reusing.  
• Replace lens filter as soon as possible with a new one (LF 40 ).  
• Additional lens filters (LF 40 ) are available at most stores  
carrying Braun ThermoScan thermometers or at Braun Service  
• If you have accidentally placed the thermometer in your ear with-  
out a lens filter in place, be sure and clean the probe (see  
«Care and cleaning» and then apply a clean lens filter.  
Care and cleaning  
The probe tip is the most delicate part of the thermometer.  
It has to be clean and intact to ensure accurate readings.  
If the thermometer is ever accidentally used without a lens filter,  
clean the lens as follows:  
• Hold the appliance with the probe tip facing down to prevent  
liquid from entering the probe tip area. Very gently wipe the sur-  
face with a cotton swab or soft cloth moistened with alcohol.  
• After cleaning, allow at least 45 minutes drying time before reat-  
taching a new, clean lens filter and taking a temperature.  
If the probe tip is damaged, contact Braun.  
Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the thermometer display and exterior.  
Do not use abrasive cleaners. Never submerge the thermometer in  
water or any other liquid.  
Store thermometer and lens filters in a dry location free from dust  
and contamination and away from direct sunlight. The ambient  
temperature at the storage location should remain fairly constant  
and within the range of 50 °F to 104 °F (10 °C - 40 °C).  
Always keep cleaning solutions and rubbing alcohol away  
from children.  
Replacing the batteries  
The thermometer is supplied with two 3 V lithium batteries  
(CR 2032/DL 2032). Insert new batteries when the battery symbol  
appears on the display.  
Using the tip of a ball-point pen, press the battery door lock to  
open the battery compartment. Remove the batteries and replace  
with new batteries, making sure the poles are in the right direction.  
Slide battery door back in until it snaps in place.  
Error message  
No lens filter is attached.  
Attach new, clean lens filter  
No lens filter is attached  
and activation button was  
Make sure probe tip is clean;  
refer to section «Care and cleaning»  
pressed while probe was in if necessary.  
the ear.  
Attach new, clean lens filter to stop  
error beeps.  
Ambient temperature is not Allow the thermometer to remain  
within the allowed operating in a room for 30 minutes where  
range 50 °F to 104 °F  
the temperature is between  
(10 °C - 40 °C) or changing 50 °F to 104 °F (10 °C - 40 °C)  
too rapidly.  
Temperature taken is not  
within typical human  
Make sure new, clean lens filter is  
attached and thermometer is properly  
temperature range (93.2 °F - inserted.  
108 °F / 34 °C - 42.2 °C).  
Then, take a new temperature.  
HI = too high  
LO = too low  
Battery is low, but  
thermometer will still operate  
(No light function on  
IRT 3020 models.)  
Insert new batteries  
Insert new batteries  
Battery is too low to take  
correct temperature  
System error  
Wait 2 minutes until thermometer  
powers down, then turn on again.  
... reset the thermometer by removing  
the batteries and putting them back in.  
... call Braun ThermoScan Customer  
Service at 1- 800 - 327-7226.  
• If error persists  
• If error still persists  
Special situations  
The Braun ThermoScan thermometer has been shown in clinical  
studies to obtain accurate temperatures on persons of all ages.  
However, there are certain situations when the ear thermometer  
should not be used. These include but may not be limited to the  
following situations.  
• If there is blood or drainage in the external ear canal.  
• For persons who have deformities of the face and ear canal  
where the probe of the thermometer cannot be inserted fully into  
the ear canal.  
• For persons wearing hearing aids or ear plugs, remove the device  
and wait 20 minutes prior to taking a temperature.  
• Use the untreated ear if prescription ear drops or other ear medi-  
cations have been placed in the ear canal.  
Never attempt to clean inside ears. You could damage the ear drum  
or surrounding tissues. You should remove excess ear wax only  
when you can reach it with a wash cloth. If you suspect that you or  
your child has excess ear wax, consult your physician.  
Fever facts  
Many persons may not have an elevated temperature even when  
they are ill. These include, but are not limited to infants under  
90 days of age, persons taking steroids, antibiotics or antipyretics  
(acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin), persons with compromised  
immune systems, including the elderly or persons with some chro-  
nic illnesses. Consult your physician if you feel an illness is present  
even if there may not be an elevated temperature.  
Fever is described as an elevation of body temperature over an  
individual’s «normal» temperature.  
An elevated temperature or fever is often viewed as a danger sign.  
In fact, a fever can be very beneficial, and helps our immune  
system work more effectively. A fever should be evaluated in the  
light of other physical symptoms. With the exception of newborn  
infants, the presence of fever, without any other symptoms of ill-  
ness, or in a child who is behaving normally may not be cause for  
concern. On the other hand, a physician should be consulted in the  
following situations:  
- vomiting  
- diarrhea  
- changes in appetite, activity or breathing, or  
- with children who are irritable, lethargic or unusually sleepy.  
Some people, like the elderly, infants under 90 days of age, those  
with compromised immune systems, or persons who take steroids,  
for example are often unable to build a response to illness or  
environmental conditions. These individuals may not have a fever  
when they are ill, or their elevated temperature may be lower than  
expected for the severity of their illness. Other medications such  
as anti-inflammatories and some analgesics may also mask fever.  
The presence or absence of fever should rarely be used as the only  
measurement of the significance of illness. Your physician should  
be contacted whenever there is a question about your family’s  
Antipyretics, like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, are usually recom-  
mended to relieve the aches and associated symptoms of fever,  
not the fever itself. Febrile seizures, or convulsions, which usually  
occur in children six months to six years of age, are thought to  
occur not because a fever is present, but because of the rate of  
rise of the child’s temperature. Call your physician if your child has  
a febrile seizure or you desire further information.  
Use of the Braun ThermoScan thermometer is not intended  
as a substitute for consultation with your physician.  
Product specifications  
Displayed temperature range  
Operating ambient  
temperature range  
Display resolution  
93.2 °F -108 °F (34 °C - 42.2 °C)  
50 °F -104 °F (10 °C - 40 °C)  
0.1 °F or °C  
Accuracy for patient temperature range  
Maximum Laboratory Error  
96.8 °F -102.2 °F (36 °C - 39 °C):  
outside this range:  
0.4 °F  
0.5 °F  
0.2 °C  
0.3 °C  
Long term storage ranges  
- 4 °F to 122 °F ( - 20 °C to 50 °C)  
95 % non-condensing  
Battery life:  
2 years / 1000 measurements  
This infrared thermometer meets requirements established in ASTM  
Standard E 1965-98 (for the thermometer system [thermometer with  
lens filter]). Full responsibility for the conformance of the product to the  
standard is assumed by Braun GmbH, 61476 Kronberg, Germany.  
ASTM laboratory accuracy requirements for the thermometer only (not  
including a lens filter) in the display range of 98.8 °F to 102.2 °F  
(36 °C to 39 °C) for infrared thermometers is 0.4 °F ( 0.2 °C), whereas  
for mercury-in-glass and electronic thermometers, the requirement per  
ASTM Standards E 667-86 and E 1112-86 is 0.2 °F ( 0.1 °C).  
This appliance conforms to the following standards:  
DIN EN 60601-1: 3/96 «Medical electrical equipment» –  
Part 1: General requirements for safety  
DIN EN 12470-5: 2003 «Clinical thermometers» –  
Part 5: Performance of infrared ear thermometers  
(with maximum device)  
Attention, consult  
No.601.1 10HK  
Internally Powered Equipment  
Continuous Operation  
Not Protected against Ingress of Water  
U.S. Patent No. 5,088,834 Other Patents Pending  
MEDICAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT needs special precautions regarding EMC. For  
detailed description of EMC requirements please contact the Braun ThermoScan Customer  
Service at 1-800-327-7226.  
Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect MEDICAL ELECTRICAL  
In the unlikely event you experience any difficulty using the Braun ThermoScan thermometer,  
simply call us toll free at 1-800-327-7226.  
The Braun ThermoScan thermometer has a limited three year  
warranty. Should service be required during or after the warranty  
period, you must call Braun ThermoScan’s Customer Service  
Department at 1-800-327-7226 to obtain a return authorization  
number and shipping address. Repackage the thermometer  
carefully in its original packaging or securely packed to avoid  
damage during shipping. Include the original sales slip indicating  
the date of purchase, a note describing the problem, your  
authorization number, and your return address. Send the Braun  
ThermoScan thermometer prepaid and insured.  
Note: Shipping address varies by country.  
Answers to any question regarding operation of the Braun  
ThermoScan thermometer may be obtained by calling us toll free at:  
6:30 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time  
Limited three year warranty  
Braun warrants this product against any defects that are due to  
faulty material or workmanship for a period of three years from  
the original date of consumer purchase or receipt as a gift. This  
warranty applies when used for normal household use in accord-  
ance with the Use and Care Manual and excludes the battery and  
damage to the product resulting from accident or misuse. This  
product is not warranted when used in a professional environment.  
In no event shall Braun be liable for any special, incidental, indirect  
or consequential damages in connection with the purchase or use  
of this product or costs over the original cost of the product.  
If the product should become defective within the warranty period,  
contact Braun ThermoScan’s Customer Support Department at  
1-800-327-7226 for repair or replacement at no charge.  
Braun reserves the right to replace a defective product with the  
most comparable product currently available. This product has a  
five year minimum expected lifetime.  
While this warranty gives you specific legal rights, you may also  
have other rights which vary from state to state/province to  

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